Stops: There were many this day, but this post is only about this one: Studio Rosid. (Day 55)

Ega, the waiter at Bandung Art Cafe, had suggested several times that I check out Studio Rosid. Pak Abu, hanging out painting in front of the Suis Butcher also recommended it. It is up in the hills not far from where I was the hiking the other day, but up a different valley. Did get another glimpse of The Maj when I wandered around afterwards.

There is an art gallery dedicated to the paintings and other works of the artist, Rosid. But, for me the best part–aside from the delicious coffee and donuts–was the stuff. What amazing assemblage of junk, tools, old building parts, bits of wood, and just stuff. Glorious amounts of carefully selected clutter. A few images to give you an idea.

Fresh donuts dusted with palm sugar and Acehnese Coffee Sanger iced. Nice snack. The full meals looked really good, too.

The whole place is just a jumble of rooms and shacks and sheds stacked up on top of or propped against each other.

The view from the top of the pile.

So much stuff.

More stuff.

Good place to try out the macro setting on the Ricoh GR IIIx.

Another macro. Think it gets the feel of the stuff better than a wider shot of everything.

Went for a bit of a walk around after, but no extended hike back to town. Parts of the Dago area have kind of an Ubud feel.

Really glad I made the trip up here. When I come back to Bandung, I think I will have to split my time: half down in town, but half in a quiet house up in this neighborhood. It was very relaxing. And, they have classes in ceramics, photography, and more. That would be a fun way to spend some time traveling.

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