Medan. Under the tracks behind Hotel Kama. (Day 17)

You can see some amazing street art in Indonesia. When I went to Semarang a couple times it was truly amazing. They have an art college there. Jogjya, too. Here are a few from a series of railroad pillars behind my hotel.

Feels very NYC to me. Hip hop is everywhere.

“BAMC Medium Touch” I think Boby BAMC is the artist. Self-portrait? Hard to track down on IG / Facebook with slow internet.

Wish the truck wasn’t blocking this. But, you get what you get.

Feels like Sumtran design meets Ghibli Mononoke.

Hard. Indeed.

Sumatran Tiger!

High Ass Well. The Tirtanadi Water Tower is a local landmark, sight seeing spot.

Love this abstract.

Caught the rider just right!

Comments (3)

  1. Dad


    The random hodge-podgy backgrounds set off the painted buttresses really well. Good collection.

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